So in this part there is this super duper powerful mutant who pretty much thinks he's god and he wants to destroy everything so the mutants that survive can rule the world or something. And then there are the sane mutants who of course try to save everybody but the "bad guys". Plot is not that hard to understand, like in every superhero movie or a fairytale. That's not a bad thing for these kinds of films.
What I can give "hands down" to after watching?
1. Everyone who was involved in graphic department (to my mind that stuff they come up with and how "beautiful but scary-real" everythin can look - it's magic.)
2. James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Sophie Turner, Evan Peters and Michael Fassbender. They did a good job and I just like them as people (well, from what I've seen in interviews and from pictures they share, you know).
And that's it.
From emotion point of view - there were some tense parts, some scenes were funny. This movie did not make me cramp to my seat from the action or disasters that were happening, it didn't let me feel loose, it just didn't get me in any way quite right. Still - it wasn't bad.
What I disliked the most? And - without giving you any real spoilers, here you go:
1. Music. Most of the time it was just over the top overdramatic. Like, they were trying too much to make many scenes very meaningful and and every character appearnce - very important or dramatic or something. I don't know. It sort of kicked me out of the mood at some points.
2. Psylockes' (played by Olivia Munn) costume. REALLY? Why? And why was she the only one with that type of costume then? It seemed bizzare.
3. Some unnecessary scenes which I won't get into. Ask me privately after you've seen the movie.
And that's it I think.
All in all the newest X-Men movie is entertaining. It won't really surprise you but it will probably make you smile at some points. And for me it's always nice to see how different creatures can be made up in someones mind (it was a long time ago but I like to think about that fact as well) and then portrayed in film.
Rating: ★★★½