Okay, first of all I didn't know it was going to be nearly 2.5 hours long - that time was not noticeable.
It's a story about Ed Snowden (excluding his childhood years) and how he came to a decision to do what he did - leaked to the public NSA's illegal surveillance techniques.
All in all the movie is okay and watchable. Story is made easy to understand for a regular person (which is great because you are not left with that "dumb" feeling after a screening and get a perspective of what happened and how you feel about it). And, as you watch, you also get to think about where you stand about being watched by the government (or a creepy neighbor?).
Joseph Gordon Levitt as Snowden is amazing and believable. I dug his accent, his look and attitude. Very neatly done, although as I don't know Mr. Snowden in real life I can't say that he portrayed him "right".
What I wanted was more seriousness, more intenseness (if that's even a word) and less relationship that was shown between him and Shailene Woodley's character - that made this movie lighter rather going more dark and thrilling because what he did couldn't have come easily to my mind. The movie tries to show it but I didn't "feel it" really. So yeah, I'd have wanted to see less of Lindsay (because there're ways to show that a specific relationship plays a big role in story without showing some ordinary and not-needed scenes...maybe that's just me) and more, even more Snowden and his thoughts and struggles.
Soundtracks were just too predictable genre-wise. Colors, cameras, angles - nothing really popped up as interesting or positively surprising.
I should also add I haven't seen anything else (YET!) from Oliver Stone so I can't compare this piece with his other good and bad ones (have heard there are both).
Once again: the movie was good - interesting story. For me: I wasn't able to engage with any of the characters or really "get into" the film.
MUST you see this? No, not really.
P.S. Suggestion: If you do go to this one, take somebody with you - so you'll probably have a different topic to talk about after (hope surveillance is not your to go topic of the day, every day :D).
Rating: ★★★
Welcome to the place where you will be able to read my thoughts put on virtual paper about recently seen movies (or films if you like). Purely subjective and mostly on emotion based reviews and ratings. So go ahead - dig in!
17 septembris, 2016
07 septembris, 2016
Swiss Army Man

Some jokes for me were overplayed, I didn't also enjoy the fact I was left confused at the end. At one point it seemed like everything is going to be cleared up. It wasn't. Not really.
Did really enjoy performances from Dano and Radcliffe, yes I did.
Overall I think it was just too sweet/charming/heartwarming for me throughout. And maybe too bizarre as well.
Movie plot, trailer, directors, budget and other information you can find at IMDb. Not gonna get into those as this wasn't my favorite movie. It was enjoyable but somehow I can't find a place in my heart to give it more stars. Maybe half a star more would go for those lovely sound effects and soundtracks. So, 3 to 3.5 stars.
Rating: ★★★
Ziņas (Atom)