Oh boy, went to a movie thinking I'm not gonna like it. Not because I haven't played the game but just because it was recieving negative feedback from critics.
I found it to be an okay fight-action movie. There were even things I liked.
The movies plot is pretty much explained in the first few minutes and you almost can guess what is going to happen (didn't bother me) and so it is easy to understand. It's filled with kicking and hitting and sharp objects entering peoples bodies.
What I liked:
- some fight scenes which were at points accelerated which made these scenes look more ninja-like (and I like me some ninjas and unbelievably fast reaction)
- "Parkour"!
- There were some female guards. They were not important at all but at least they were there.
- It was entertaining
- Song when end credits rolled.
What I did not like - many things.
Overall I can't suggest everyone to go and see it but some of you may like and enjoy it, some of you - probably not.
Rating: ★★★
Welcome to the place where you will be able to read my thoughts put on virtual paper about recently seen movies (or films if you like). Purely subjective and mostly on emotion based reviews and ratings. So go ahead - dig in!
29 decembris, 2016
10 decembris, 2016
La La Land

This was something very colorful, beautiful, uplifting and cheerful yet it also had a well made romantic plot with substance. Theatrical, fairy tale-ish at times and music-filled phenomenon with stunning performances - that is how I would put it. It managed to make me feel happy and emotional at times. Job well done.
Story is simple and well made: it's about two people (an aspiring actress played by Emma Stone and a pianist whose role is filled by Ryan Gosling) who happen to find each other and go on a life journey together. They talk, they laugh, they sing and they dance through their lives in fascinating and sometimes off-putting scenes.About acting: There is no way I can imagine Ryan Gosling not getting an Oscar nomination. NO WAY (he might not get the prize, but he has to be nominated)!!! His facial expressions - just amazing. I watched him and smiled most of the time. Should mention that I'm not a fan of Ryan but in this piece he really did convince me to overlook his work again. As for Emma Stone - she was good but to me Mr. Gosling outshined her a bit performance-wise. This is the third time they both have been working together (previous movies include Crazy Stupid Love and Gangster Squad) and so there's no doubt they have good chemistry on screen - and that is always pleasant to see.
Nice editing, some scenes looked like they haven't even been cut and have been made in one long take. Nice music, nicely carried out cliche plot, excellent casting, stage designs, colors, color-combinations and style in general! I was very happy with the ending too.
So, yeah - if you have time and are not against musicals completely, I think you should go and see this film. WHIPLASH GUY MADE IT. Do it!
P.S. I know that with this positive review I'm heightening expectations but, you know, I do not care. I really liked the move.
Rating: ★★★★½
Ziņas (Atom)