The story itself is somewhat divided into 2 parts - we get to really experience the young boys journey and then his life in middle twenties as he starts to look for home.
The movie is very good but I want to enhance what I liked the most:
- The young boy - Sunny Pawar (his first film and first time traveling with airplanes by the way) - such a cute looking and sounding boy! Can't remember the last time I was so fond of a kid in a movie. Very lovely youngster.
- Rooney Mara. Especially because it wasn't about her. She still managed to win my heart by portraying a down to earth, genuine person who cares. The subtle things she can do amaze me. This time it was this small tremble of her lower lip for about 2 seconds that just caught my eye. Great. Sold.
- Dev Patels' voice. In general. He looks good too, don't get me wrong, but his voice..
- How music cooperated into colliding timelines. This one is a bit hard to explain. If you are interested, feel free to ask? It may contain spoilers.
Rating: ★★★½