I am sitting here and not typing for about 5 minutes now. I just don't know how to correctly express of what I'm thinking. Maybe I just haven't recently seen anything that is what this movie was...Which was....argh..Fuck it. Let's start from another angle.
The film is based on true events and it shows us a later (his mid thirties and later) part of Harvard psychologists and professors William Moulton Marstons life with his wife....and a student of his. During the runtime of the movie not only we get to see what was his input in creating lie detector test, how the idea and invention of Wonder Woman arose, we also get to experience quite juicy, richly described and visualized relationships of his.
In first minutes I already could tell that it will be a good time in front of the screen. How come you ask? I only had heard a few dialogues but already felt that the shown characters were deep, well established and diverse in their qualities and flaws. Okay, the flaw part might have been similar. But that is not that important.
What is important to say is that it is multilayered, passionate and also educational piece of art. All three main characters are so strong, smart, independent and played wonderfully by the attractive cast - Luke Evans, Rebecca Hall and Bella Heathcote. They did a great job filling the room with different kinds of emotions and transcending them to the opposite side of the screen. I felt what they were feeling, thank you.
I can't really comment on music, cinematography or editing (wasn't bad, wasn't also anything unordinary) or anything else really. Costumes were fair I guess, the chosen color spectrum was nice as well but I was in it for the characters and the story. Don't want to get into more details about the characters (what I liked and what not) or the story itself. See for yourselves, that's the best thing to do.
A well written, interesting and passionate movie.
Rating: ★★★★