I watched the trailer once and it was like a half a year (or more) ago and I recently also noticed that both Redmayne and Vikander were nominated for Golden Globes - that's all I knew before getting engaged for almost 2 hour long story.

Storyline itself was interesting as I'm curious about people who go through these drastic changes and how these changes affect those around them, especially if it has happened some time ago when the public was more uptight and close-minded.
I don't know how well Redmayne portrayed the actual person (because I've never met him - that would be the only way how I could possibly really compare) but I believed him and his character. The same goes for Vikanders character. I empathized with Gerda Wegener so hard. It's such an unbelievable thing to go through. To have that love for someone else, to try to understand and to have the guts, amazing. I call these women strong.
Yes, I did read some reviews and I saw that the majority didn't appreciate this piece on different levels but to me it was a beautiful, delicate and emotional movie.
Rating: ★★★★
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