At the beginning of the movie I couldn't tell if I like it or not because I couldn't get in the mood. But then those brilliant camera shots arose and I was so in. Every time I got to "follow" Adonis back and see where he was going or where he was looking - aaaagh, I have no words to express how much I enjoyed that specific choice of view.
Storywise I wouldn't say it was something fresh or original (nor I think it should've been) but it was carried out beautifully. Like I said - great fighting movie with actually enough fighting (or training) scenes in it, a needed build-up and interesting enough story. I also did have two tiny laughs and 3 tiny tears through the whole thing so that says something.
Soundrtracks were also cool and I would say appropriate for this kind of film (lil bit of hip hop, lil bit R&B).
I have a feeling Ryan Coogler will become one of my favorite directors. I can't say that now because it's too early to tell, but by now I soooo dig his work and both of his "big" movies (this and Fruitvale Station).
Michael B. Jordan - DAMN BOY, you got some beautiful, beautiful, beautiful muscles there. And your performance isn't too shabby to say the least.
Oh, Sylvester Stallone was there too.
All in all, I think everybody can go and see this one. Maybe you won't love it but it surely shouldn't be a let-down.
Rating: ★★★★
Uuu, Tu pieminēji Fruitvale Station! Es pavisam nesen uzdūros tai filmai LTV1, kaut kad vēlu naktī, beigās pamatīgi noraudājos (ko es nedaru īpaši bieži, kad skatos filmas). Spēcīgs gabals. Iepriekš nebiju pamanījusi, ka Creed ir tas pats režisors un tas pats aktieris, tagad gan pabīdīšu augstāk savā skatāmo filmu listē.
AtbildētDzēstPatīkami dzirdēt, ka noder atsauksme :)