And that's about it.
This movie lacked so many things (character development for almost every character, emotional connections, explanations for other characters for being there at that time), I also didn't appreciate the choice for Wonder Woman and her clothing as Wonder Woman. No offense to Miss Universe 2004 participant Gal Gadot, she's cool, but if I think about little girls who will most probably look up to this person and this character, I can imagine lots of bulimias and anorexias in the future - I believe there are other women who are more fit and could teach young girls about working out, not just being skinny and stuff. Or at least put some short shorts or skirt on, girl! Anyways, where was I...
Lois Lanes' (played by Amy Adams) actions were also in question at some points and direction or screenplay wise - dumb. Pumps in very tense scenes, really? Really? Can she really pull a 100+ kgs' of a man? Really? Really? Sorry.
Lex Luthor...I really do like Jesse Eisenberg and I don't think it's his fault that the audience (me) couldn't really get why Lex was doing what he was doing so again: good actor, not a good screenplay.
Ben Affleck as Batman - no thank you from my side (Bale was the best for me...then Keaton with his weirdness).
Henry Cavill as Superman - VERY appropriate. This role fits him so well.
What I did like where some operator work, some fight scenes, soundtracks from Junkie XL (not so much from Hans Zimmers' side but those weren't bad too. I'm more of a drum-girl) and one unexpected scene I won't tell you about.
The ending was just so blah and played out that it let me down even more overall.
The movie was like 2hours and 20 minutes long...For such a time I'm sure they should've been able to make it more structural - it was too long when it shouldn't have been and too short or left unexplained when it should've been.
However, I'm still looking forward of seeing Suicide Squad, newest X-Men and Captain America movies, Wonder Woman and even more later - Aquaman and Justice League (and others).
So, it wasn't like I was looking at my clock and waiting for this movie to end but overall I was disappointed without watching all the trailers (had seen the first one) and other teasers.
Rating: ★★½
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