Plot is a bit messy and there are scenes when you are not sure why is something happening. Jokes are not funny, the vibe of the movie is mixed and not in a good way - all in all it is quite light but then it's supposed to be tense but still funny (and really isn't) and action scenes are weird...Well, I guess I found it chaotic. And annoying sometimes.
The good thing: it's only 1hour and 30minutes short and can be used instead of a radio. Who am I kidding, you should go and see this movie for yourselves and then come back and tell me that I can tell you - I told you so. Or maybe not?
It's starring: Anna Kendrick (lovely, quite funny lady with bad movie choices lately and from time to time), Tim Roth (main lead from Lie To Me, guy in Reservoir Dogs, 4 Rooms, Pulp Fiction and other good movies..I don't get it why he was here, really) and Sam Rockwell (have seen him in on-average rated movies mostly).
If anyone's interested why I even wanted to watch this in first place? Well I just had a teeny tiny (very tiny) hope that MAYBE it will make me laugh and make my day better...Because it's a comedy. Nope.
Rating: ★½
Nopietni? Tu tā biji sailgojusies pēc filmām, ka šitas sūds bija pirmais, ko izvēlējies noskatīties?
AtbildētDzēstUn tikai nesaki, ka nezināji, ka šitas būs mēsls. :D
Bet man patīk, ka esi tik optimistiska, ka Tev filma ir "1hour and 30minutes short", nevis LONG. :D :)
Jup. Par cik mans veselības stāvoklis ir vļeh, izdomāju, ka jāskatās kaut kas ĻOTI IESPĒJAMS nelabs, lai NĀKOŠĀ filma šķiet vēl satriecošāka. Eh, who am I kidding? Es tiešām gāju iekšā ar lielu, lielu, naivu cerību, ka tomēr varētu būt smieklīgi vai vismaz uzjautrinoši. To man "prasījās", bet pc pilns ar nopietnām, tumšām filmām. Nekas cits neatlika. :D