In short: It tells a story about a young guy who comes to Hollywood and wants to pursue something related to film industry by the help of successful relatives. Falls in love and everything is complicated.
Café Society felt and was soft. Too soft. Woody-like wittiness appeared from time to time which was nice but otherwise - as there were problems/difficulties in story they didn't feel as such and were turned as somewhat forced funny scenes.
Color scheme (everything was a bit yellow-ish) didn't bother me but also didn't impress nor made a more believable 30's vibe.
Nothing really stuck to me. The movie started and then it ended. Nice actors but I somehow couldn't even "judge" their work because, as I said - nothing stuck (Okay, Steve Carell was cool. As he is. Pretty much always). Didn't feel for any of the characters, for story, anything. It was just nice. Nothing more to say - I'm not angry at this piece or happy about it.
Can I suggest to go and see it? Well, not really. Sorry. But keep in mind - Woody apparently is not for me.
Rating: ★★½
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