It's starts off with an introduction of these chosen people - who they are, where they are. We just get a glimpse, no deep character (real people? This is confusing..) development. Later on we get to see the bombs go off and then we follow how the police, ambulance, community itself, government and FBI work together to help people and work on finding those who caused this.
All in all movie is filled with action and bravery.
I did not really enjoy this piece and here is why:
a) Although I get to see how people can be and are brave, helpful and strong, which is really great, I could not "enjoy" this, because it somehow felt "forced on me". Like they were trying to make me feel emphaty and feel for everyone rather allowing me to reach that place on my own. I also get why they chose to show us some of the victims and their back-stories but that doesn't mean I liked it. I know it is a bit horrible to say (because it's based on true events and real people) but again - it just felt cliche, the way they executed everything about and around these characters. So yeah, forced and cliche.
b) Trent Reznor, oh dear Trent Reznor. I was let down. Hard. At some places in the movie it was like "I have heard this before" at others - it was just too predictable. I believe there are ways how to create suspense, create more stressful, dramatic scene without making it so obvious that NOW SOMETHING (and at the scene you know exactly what) IS REALLY GONNA HAPPEN. I really enjoyed (still do!) soundtracks from Social Network, I also do listen to Nine Inch Nails from time to time but this was....this was bad (still being subjective).
c) I WANTED TO SEE MORE OF THE "SEARCH". I wanted to see how the FBI (and maybe other instances, that doesn't matter how they are called) works - how they operate, how actually hard, intense it can be, wanted to see some conflicts (or just silent-working...as they probably know what and how to do everything) between different workers. How people contact and help the FBI for this specific reason.. Anything like that. I was left with this longing.
So, Kate the hater - what DID you like?
Well, Mark Wahlberg in his character (real person?) was doing a great, believable job to my eyes. He looked legit, acted like a real person (who he was portraying) who had his flaws and wonderful qualities. I also did enjoy some scenes at the end of the movie about which I won't say anything else...because they were very close to the end. All in all - I wasn't bored, didn't look at the watch or wonder off in my mind.
I can see critics are giving this movie good reviews (mostly)..So maybe it just wasn't my day and I was just unconsciously looking for reasons not to enjoy (PMS, you know) it. It is definately a whatchable movie, I just did not like it.
Rating: ★★½
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