What I learned:
1) According to U.S. universities, if you're sexually assaulted, don't say anything. Nobody likes bad reputation. If you say anything, you most probably won't be heard. So, college statistics over rape/rape-related crimes.
2) Sports over rape. Let's just wait until some sort of season is over to MAYBE act on what happened...like a year ago..or maybe the victim will forget about it or just give up..
3) If you're a decent person and working at university and will hear and stand for victims, you most probably won't be working at that university soon enough. Nobody will go to a college where there is high assault statistics, right? Reputation, reputation (parallels with point No.1).
4) Money over everything. No explanation needed.
It's not bad enough that rape exists it is just terrifying to see what happens (or more accurately - what doesn't happen) afterwards. And for deans to discourage you and to try to turn it that it most probably was your own fault that you were sexually assaulted, just bad and wrong.
Actually this is why I don't watch documentaries everyday - they almost always make me very sad and upset. I don't know what is better - to know what's happening and live life in half=depression most of the time or not to know almost anything and to live happily like a fool.
And sorry, but Florida you still look like a really bad state to me.
Rating: ★★★★
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