By watching this I learned not necessarily useful but most certainly interesting things about her career and private life. I wouldn't have imagined she had this complex life (I won't say much in case you have an interest and want to see it for yourselves) but then again I guess people don't make documentaries about people who are having these "fairytale" lives and don't really struggle or go through major life disasters or what not. You know, people like me.
Anyways, I was kept entertained and interested through the whole movie and now I also have got a new feeling towards her music, I see it a bit differently.
If you haven't read really anything about her, don't mind documentaries and enjoy jazz music from 60's and 70's this should be a treat. Okay, it should also be enough for people who are into documentaries, it's a good one it think (or maybe I lack experience in documentaries, pardon if so).
P.S. I'm glad to see it's nominated for an Oscar.
Rating: ★★★★
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