Arrival shows us how a linguist (played by adorable Amy Adams) is recruited by some sort of government authorities to translate alien language because aliens have just arrived in different places all over the world and "staying in" in their transportation and people of course want to know "what the f*ck?"
While watching I was also wondering if we ever are going to see those aliens and if we do - how they are going to look like in this film. And we did get to see them. All I can say - I liked what I saw.
What I really liked about it (besides how visually appealing it looked and how interesting enough the plot was) was how big and wide this movie felt. At times it was like the space had no boundaries. I don't even know if I can explain it better, go see the movie, you'll see.
Soundtrack was made by the same guy (Jóhann Jóhannsson) who also did it for Sicario (and other movies) which was noticeable. I liked the soundtrack - this guy can make some haunting sounds. And when talking about music and sounds - a moment of silence is a powerful thing when used correctly.
For me this movie lacked on emotional level. Although Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and others were doing a good job I just didn't feel for them. Also it could have been like 10-15 minutes shorter. I think they could've cut some bits and pieces out more or just used the time to reveal something more about characters so I could "cheer" for them. And that's it - that's all I didn't quite like.
I should also say that if you think (or know) you're not an "alien film" fan you should still go and see Arrival because it's not really about aliens. It's about Dr. Louise Banks (the linguist) and we mainly follow her journey through this particular madness.. And aliens are there.
DON'T watch the trailer (you can open IMDb and read the plot if mine was no good for you) and GO see the movie - that's my suggestion.
Rating: ★★★★
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