The movie started out very strong in my eyes. By seeing three kids (okay, one had barely stepped out of the "minor" league) dumpster diving for food and then just trying to get a ride took me in and I knew I will like this movie. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't just that image. Dialogues, colors and montage also did their magic.
Story itself is about a young woman named Star who when opportunity presents itself leaves her messed up home and joins a group of misfits who travel around and earn money by selling magazines and enjoy life with some help from different type of drugs. Boom! This is the story the movie is about! Lost youth.
I don't know what to say about characters because I think I already did that by saying they're misfits. I think you should get the picture. It was also nice to see Shia LaBeouf in a movie rather than in an article.
American Honey is not overdramatic, it feels quite real (when you take in the factor it's happening in the USA) and all in all is very pleasant to watch. There are no big twists and turns and it is somewhat amazing to understand that this type of movie can manage to get your full attention for 2 hours and 40 minutes (yes, it was that long BUT. But I did not feel it).
What I liked most was the beginning actually. Beginning "took me in", made me laugh and at one point my jaw dropped a little when I heard a specific sentence.
What I also liked was the ending. Unexpected (if you'll go and see the movie you'll understand what I mean by this).
Soundtracks were....ahm....very...very...modern? Yes. let's stick with modern (didn't enjoy them but the songs did fit in well with the story and mood).
I have said everything I could think of. Just one thing:
If you go in knowing it's down to earth type of a film (without any "big bombs") you should be in for a treat. I was. :)
Rating: ★★★★
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