It was too fairy tale-ish and not strange enough. Story was not that interesting and it definitely wasn't told in an intriguing way. I couldn't care less for any of the characters and for the story itself. Eva Greens' character had a cool hairstyle and color though.
What I did like from this - the cast. Always enjoy that Tim Burtons' movies have actors who bring unique presence and/or have big eyes.
Everything else was blah. Many cliché scenes and Tim Burton clichés (which maybe is a good thing? Not for me though.). I actually don't believe that children (and adults) were happy after seeing this. I was struggling after to come up with what I enjoyed. Like really struggling.
EVA GREEN! Eva Green gets my rating. I watched and wished it could be a different movie with her (she's in my top 3 when it comes to French actresses) right now.
Half a star more in my rating for company I had.
So who might enjoy this? People who love everything from Tim Burton (I believe there are some out there), others who enjoy fairy tales and Disney cartoons? Yeah, I'll stick with this.
P.S. Just so you know, Edward Scissorhands still remains as one of my many favorite movies I've ever seen.
Rating: ★★
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