Quick intro about this one - there is this woman who enjoys alcohol a little too much (played by one of my favorites - Emily Blunt) and she rides the train every day and stares at this one family and wonders and makes up stories how they live. Then something happens.
I can't think of anything I liked. Some bits were Okay and many I just didn't approve of.
What I did not like:
- It wasn't that thrilling (for me - not thrilling at all.). And why was that? I believe because of how the story was unfolded (unnecessary time jumping which made the story even more discursive) and how the characters were quite shallow and plain which resulted in me not caring for any of them and the story itself.
- Lacked some realness from time to time as somewhere it is defined as a detective (and detectives are the ones where there are clues and proof and other things that drive people to think who and how could've done something). So in my eyes the police/detectives were stupid. The story wasn't really around them I get it but it seems like they didn't even do anything while we saw boozy Emily Blunts' character do or not do anything.
- Not a single camera shot or view surprised me nor did it drew me in more. Simple and boring. It wouldn't have bothered me that it is nothing impressive if the story or characters were good and interesting.
As I was hoping for it to be that one candy I could get until the good stuff comes, I was let down. Hard. It was a bad movie. I'm glad to see it is doing good in Box Office (happy for Emily Blunt) but otherwise there is a big disappointment in my heart.
What I can suggest is to go and see the film for yourselves and then come back and tell me I was wrong and that I have bad taste in movies for example. :D
Rating: ★★
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