17 septembris, 2016


Okay, first of all I didn't know it was going to be nearly 2.5 hours long - that time was not noticeable.
It's a story about Ed Snowden (excluding his childhood years) and how he came to a decision to do what he did - leaked to the public NSA's illegal surveillance techniques.
All in all the movie is okay and watchable. Story is made easy to understand for a regular person (which is great because you are not left with that "dumb" feeling after a screening and get a perspective of what happened and how you feel about it). And, as you watch, you also get to think about where you stand about being watched by the government (or a creepy neighbor?).
Joseph Gordon Levitt as Snowden is amazing and believable. I dug his accent, his look and attitude. Very neatly done, although as I don't know Mr. Snowden in real life I can't say that he portrayed him "right".
What I wanted was more seriousness, more intenseness (if that's even a word) and less relationship that was shown between him and Shailene Woodley's character - that made this movie lighter rather going more dark and thrilling because what he did couldn't have come easily to my mind. The movie tries to show it but I didn't "feel it" really. So yeah, I'd have wanted to see less of Lindsay (because there're ways to show that a specific relationship plays a big role in story without showing some ordinary and not-needed scenes...maybe that's just me) and more, even more Snowden and his thoughts and struggles.
Soundtracks were just too predictable genre-wise. Colors, cameras, angles - nothing really popped up as interesting or positively surprising.
I should also add I haven't seen anything else (YET!) from Oliver Stone so I can't compare this piece with his other good and bad ones (have heard there are both).
Once again: the movie was good - interesting story. For me: I wasn't able to engage with any of the characters or really "get into" the film. 
MUST you see this? No, not really.
P.S. Suggestion: If you do go to this one, take somebody with you - so you'll probably have a different topic to talk about after (hope surveillance is not your to go topic of the day, every day :D).

Rating: ★★★

1 komentārs:

  1. I just wonder how many more people after watching this movie will cover up their cameras on PC. :D
