Oh boy, went to a movie thinking I'm not gonna like it. Not because I haven't played the game but just because it was recieving negative feedback from critics.
I found it to be an okay fight-action movie. There were even things I liked.
The movies plot is pretty much explained in the first few minutes and you almost can guess what is going to happen (didn't bother me) and so it is easy to understand. It's filled with kicking and hitting and sharp objects entering peoples bodies.
What I liked:
- some fight scenes which were at points accelerated which made these scenes look more ninja-like (and I like me some ninjas and unbelievably fast reaction)
- "Parkour"!
- There were some female guards. They were not important at all but at least they were there.
- It was entertaining
- Song when end credits rolled.
What I did not like - many things.
Overall I can't suggest everyone to go and see it but some of you may like and enjoy it, some of you - probably not.
Rating: ★★★
Welcome to the place where you will be able to read my thoughts put on virtual paper about recently seen movies (or films if you like). Purely subjective and mostly on emotion based reviews and ratings. So go ahead - dig in!
29 decembris, 2016
10 decembris, 2016
La La Land

This was something very colorful, beautiful, uplifting and cheerful yet it also had a well made romantic plot with substance. Theatrical, fairy tale-ish at times and music-filled phenomenon with stunning performances - that is how I would put it. It managed to make me feel happy and emotional at times. Job well done.
Story is simple and well made: it's about two people (an aspiring actress played by Emma Stone and a pianist whose role is filled by Ryan Gosling) who happen to find each other and go on a life journey together. They talk, they laugh, they sing and they dance through their lives in fascinating and sometimes off-putting scenes.About acting: There is no way I can imagine Ryan Gosling not getting an Oscar nomination. NO WAY (he might not get the prize, but he has to be nominated)!!! His facial expressions - just amazing. I watched him and smiled most of the time. Should mention that I'm not a fan of Ryan but in this piece he really did convince me to overlook his work again. As for Emma Stone - she was good but to me Mr. Gosling outshined her a bit performance-wise. This is the third time they both have been working together (previous movies include Crazy Stupid Love and Gangster Squad) and so there's no doubt they have good chemistry on screen - and that is always pleasant to see.
Nice editing, some scenes looked like they haven't even been cut and have been made in one long take. Nice music, nicely carried out cliche plot, excellent casting, stage designs, colors, color-combinations and style in general! I was very happy with the ending too.
So, yeah - if you have time and are not against musicals completely, I think you should go and see this film. WHIPLASH GUY MADE IT. Do it!
P.S. I know that with this positive review I'm heightening expectations but, you know, I do not care. I really liked the move.
Rating: ★★★★½
13 novembris, 2016
It's only the end of the world

Juste la fin du monde (original title of the movie. Oh, it's in French! Not only the title, the movie too) tells a story of a guy who returns home to his mother and siblings after not being there for 12 years. Everything that happens happens over one days time. Movie is filled with dialogues, some of them are delightful even through incomprehension, biterness and not so well hidden grudges.
I was amazed by the cast. AMAZED. They all did a wonderful job. As I watched the characters I could understand and see where they were coming from mentally and why could they be acting the way they did. I believed everyone and pretty much felt for every one of them despite them being different from one another.
To me everything felt real and realistic at some points bits and pieces hit close to home. That family that was created was just the right amount of dysfunction and weird and the mother reminded me a bit of my own which is always a good thing to watch, if some character resembles either yourself or someone you know.
To me everything felt real and realistic at some points bits and pieces hit close to home. That family that was created was just the right amount of dysfunction and weird and the mother reminded me a bit of my own which is always a good thing to watch, if some character resembles either yourself or someone you know.
So yeah, that's about it. The story really got to me and that is all. It was nicely shot, some bits were needless, sounds were good. It wasn't like I loved everything about it but I was very happy that finally I cared for the story and characters.
Rating: ★★★★
11 novembris, 2016
Manchester By The Sea
What Manchester By The Sea gives us is a slow-paced, deep family drama where Casey Afflecks' character named Lee has to look after his teenage nephew after his brother (not the nephews brother, Lees' brother) dies. The dying part is not a spoiler as it happens at the beginning of the movie and the movie is not about the guy dying rather it is about how it influences main people that were close to him (the dead brother).
This is one of those time-jumping pieces where real time meets past several times and it is done tastefully. We get to see how Lee is where he is and why he is the way he is. We also get to see somewhat normal, reasonable nephew in his teenage years. And there are other important people in Lees life that maybe camera doesn't fixate on but they're there in spirit big time.
What drew me in were these more or less unexpected scenes which just cut right into the feeling department of mine. Casey Affleck and Michelle Williams did such a great, believable job with their roles. Lucas Hedges was a very lovely teenage boy. Actually everyone had good chemistry which made this story realistic. So - can't complain about actor choices.
What somewhat let me down - as this movie has had a bit of success already and many people around are saying it most surely will be nominated for one or more next years' Oscars, I didn't "see it". It was a good drama, but I was hoping it would be even more emotional. Maybe my expectations were too high, that could be possible, but yeah - it's always a letdown when you wait for something amazing and it never arrives. I don't mind if this film gets nominated but, pardon me, I hope it doesn't get any of those shiny gold figures. I wasn't also impressed (not that anything was bad, it wasn't. Just when "Oscars" are mentioned, the bar lifts in my head) with color themes, sounds, music, camera views, anything really that usually gets my attention.
I really hope there will be movies that will satisfy me and everyone else this year. I still haven't seen any "WOOOW" movie from this year. BUT! Many have with THIS ONE.
I will say this again - it is a good, realistic family drama to see, just..if you have expectations maybe lower them so there will be a bigger chance for you to come out crying.
Rating: ★★★½
This is one of those time-jumping pieces where real time meets past several times and it is done tastefully. We get to see how Lee is where he is and why he is the way he is. We also get to see somewhat normal, reasonable nephew in his teenage years. And there are other important people in Lees life that maybe camera doesn't fixate on but they're there in spirit big time.
What drew me in were these more or less unexpected scenes which just cut right into the feeling department of mine. Casey Affleck and Michelle Williams did such a great, believable job with their roles. Lucas Hedges was a very lovely teenage boy. Actually everyone had good chemistry which made this story realistic. So - can't complain about actor choices.
What somewhat let me down - as this movie has had a bit of success already and many people around are saying it most surely will be nominated for one or more next years' Oscars, I didn't "see it". It was a good drama, but I was hoping it would be even more emotional. Maybe my expectations were too high, that could be possible, but yeah - it's always a letdown when you wait for something amazing and it never arrives. I don't mind if this film gets nominated but, pardon me, I hope it doesn't get any of those shiny gold figures. I wasn't also impressed (not that anything was bad, it wasn't. Just when "Oscars" are mentioned, the bar lifts in my head) with color themes, sounds, music, camera views, anything really that usually gets my attention.
I really hope there will be movies that will satisfy me and everyone else this year. I still haven't seen any "WOOOW" movie from this year. BUT! Many have with THIS ONE.
I will say this again - it is a good, realistic family drama to see, just..if you have expectations maybe lower them so there will be a bigger chance for you to come out crying.
Rating: ★★★½
08 novembris, 2016

Arrival shows us how a linguist (played by adorable Amy Adams) is recruited by some sort of government authorities to translate alien language because aliens have just arrived in different places all over the world and "staying in" in their transportation and people of course want to know "what the f*ck?"
While watching I was also wondering if we ever are going to see those aliens and if we do - how they are going to look like in this film. And we did get to see them. All I can say - I liked what I saw.
What I really liked about it (besides how visually appealing it looked and how interesting enough the plot was) was how big and wide this movie felt. At times it was like the space had no boundaries. I don't even know if I can explain it better, go see the movie, you'll see.
Soundtrack was made by the same guy (Jóhann Jóhannsson) who also did it for Sicario (and other movies) which was noticeable. I liked the soundtrack - this guy can make some haunting sounds. And when talking about music and sounds - a moment of silence is a powerful thing when used correctly.
For me this movie lacked on emotional level. Although Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and others were doing a good job I just didn't feel for them. Also it could have been like 10-15 minutes shorter. I think they could've cut some bits and pieces out more or just used the time to reveal something more about characters so I could "cheer" for them. And that's it - that's all I didn't quite like.
I should also say that if you think (or know) you're not an "alien film" fan you should still go and see Arrival because it's not really about aliens. It's about Dr. Louise Banks (the linguist) and we mainly follow her journey through this particular madness.. And aliens are there.
DON'T watch the trailer (you can open IMDb and read the plot if mine was no good for you) and GO see the movie - that's my suggestion.
Rating: ★★★★
22 oktobris, 2016
American Honey

The movie started out very strong in my eyes. By seeing three kids (okay, one had barely stepped out of the "minor" league) dumpster diving for food and then just trying to get a ride took me in and I knew I will like this movie. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't just that image. Dialogues, colors and montage also did their magic.
Story itself is about a young woman named Star who when opportunity presents itself leaves her messed up home and joins a group of misfits who travel around and earn money by selling magazines and enjoy life with some help from different type of drugs. Boom! This is the story the movie is about! Lost youth.
I don't know what to say about characters because I think I already did that by saying they're misfits. I think you should get the picture. It was also nice to see Shia LaBeouf in a movie rather than in an article.
American Honey is not overdramatic, it feels quite real (when you take in the factor it's happening in the USA) and all in all is very pleasant to watch. There are no big twists and turns and it is somewhat amazing to understand that this type of movie can manage to get your full attention for 2 hours and 40 minutes (yes, it was that long BUT. But I did not feel it).
What I liked most was the beginning actually. Beginning "took me in", made me laugh and at one point my jaw dropped a little when I heard a specific sentence.
What I also liked was the ending. Unexpected (if you'll go and see the movie you'll understand what I mean by this).
Soundtracks were....ahm....very...very...modern? Yes. let's stick with modern (didn't enjoy them but the songs did fit in well with the story and mood).
I have said everything I could think of. Just one thing:
If you go in knowing it's down to earth type of a film (without any "big bombs") you should be in for a treat. I was. :)
Rating: ★★★★
17 oktobris, 2016
Captain Fantastic

Captain Fantastic (It's not a sci-fi superhero movie)!
I was taken by the first scene - it was full of nature and the mood was set so right I felt it right then it will be a good one. Finally.
The plot is also very appealing to me as I am a bit stressed out about all these new tech-specs and gadgets and wondering would it even be possible to raise normal, clever and not obsessed-with-phones/apps/computer games/junk food/etc children. So,
THE PLOT: A father of six children (age is quite different) lives in the forest and teaches them basically everything - they have very good knowledge about survival, hunting, music, literature, medicine, law, you name it. They also have physical training so they stay fit and strong not only mentally. In my eyes they're a pretty great family (watching them being blunt-honest made me smile and even laugh at times. I enjoyed watching them work, and DO THINGS - running, sweating, singing, playing instruments, such a treat for my soul - not seeing phones and sh*t, agh...) with one big flaw which you'll see and also might get already, as they are the only ones who live in this some sort of commune (without school, without socializing outside the family, not using phones, internet, eating only what they can get themselves etc). After a while something happens and the father with the kinds are somewhat forced to go into "the real world" and adapt. And here different obstacles appear.
This movie had heart. The characters were different and well made, strong, so it was possible to get attached. It was full of nature and beautiful sights. Dialogues were almost always enjoyable and sometimes even laughable. The story kept building and developing and didn't get stuck (maybe it never happens in movies but I sometimes feel that way when I get bored or am not interested at all somehow). It was warm without being cheesy, it was also a bit comic and filled with appropriate amount of drama.
What I felt was "not right" - close to the end of the movie it started to feel like it's being dragged to get more minutes or something. With this I want to say that for me it felt like they could've cut it 10 minutes shorter and it would've gotten a half a star more from me. Also some bits and pieces felt too overboard but they didn't ruin it for me.
Captain Fantastic is a very lovely drama with no real action/thriller (shouldn't have been, don't get me wrong) moments, filled with dialogues and scenes which can make you think about the past and how we live now.
Who would like this? I actually can't think who wouldn't find this movie interesting. You might agree, disagree about different things but all in all - it's good cinema. It was for me. Thank you Matt Ross (the director and writer) and all the cast --> everyone did an excellent job!
Rating: ★★★★
11 oktobris, 2016
The Girl on the Train

Quick intro about this one - there is this woman who enjoys alcohol a little too much (played by one of my favorites - Emily Blunt) and she rides the train every day and stares at this one family and wonders and makes up stories how they live. Then something happens.
I can't think of anything I liked. Some bits were Okay and many I just didn't approve of.
What I did not like:
- It wasn't that thrilling (for me - not thrilling at all.). And why was that? I believe because of how the story was unfolded (unnecessary time jumping which made the story even more discursive) and how the characters were quite shallow and plain which resulted in me not caring for any of them and the story itself.
- Lacked some realness from time to time as somewhere it is defined as a detective (and detectives are the ones where there are clues and proof and other things that drive people to think who and how could've done something). So in my eyes the police/detectives were stupid. The story wasn't really around them I get it but it seems like they didn't even do anything while we saw boozy Emily Blunts' character do or not do anything.
- Not a single camera shot or view surprised me nor did it drew me in more. Simple and boring. It wouldn't have bothered me that it is nothing impressive if the story or characters were good and interesting.
As I was hoping for it to be that one candy I could get until the good stuff comes, I was let down. Hard. It was a bad movie. I'm glad to see it is doing good in Box Office (happy for Emily Blunt) but otherwise there is a big disappointment in my heart.
What I can suggest is to go and see the film for yourselves and then come back and tell me I was wrong and that I have bad taste in movies for example. :D
Rating: ★★
02 oktobris, 2016
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

It was too fairy tale-ish and not strange enough. Story was not that interesting and it definitely wasn't told in an intriguing way. I couldn't care less for any of the characters and for the story itself. Eva Greens' character had a cool hairstyle and color though.
What I did like from this - the cast. Always enjoy that Tim Burtons' movies have actors who bring unique presence and/or have big eyes.
Everything else was blah. Many cliché scenes and Tim Burton clichés (which maybe is a good thing? Not for me though.). I actually don't believe that children (and adults) were happy after seeing this. I was struggling after to come up with what I enjoyed. Like really struggling.
EVA GREEN! Eva Green gets my rating. I watched and wished it could be a different movie with her (she's in my top 3 when it comes to French actresses) right now.
Half a star more in my rating for company I had.
So who might enjoy this? People who love everything from Tim Burton (I believe there are some out there), others who enjoy fairy tales and Disney cartoons? Yeah, I'll stick with this.
P.S. Just so you know, Edward Scissorhands still remains as one of my many favorite movies I've ever seen.
Rating: ★★
17 septembris, 2016
Okay, first of all I didn't know it was going to be nearly 2.5 hours long - that time was not noticeable.
It's a story about Ed Snowden (excluding his childhood years) and how he came to a decision to do what he did - leaked to the public NSA's illegal surveillance techniques.
All in all the movie is okay and watchable. Story is made easy to understand for a regular person (which is great because you are not left with that "dumb" feeling after a screening and get a perspective of what happened and how you feel about it). And, as you watch, you also get to think about where you stand about being watched by the government (or a creepy neighbor?).
Joseph Gordon Levitt as Snowden is amazing and believable. I dug his accent, his look and attitude. Very neatly done, although as I don't know Mr. Snowden in real life I can't say that he portrayed him "right".
What I wanted was more seriousness, more intenseness (if that's even a word) and less relationship that was shown between him and Shailene Woodley's character - that made this movie lighter rather going more dark and thrilling because what he did couldn't have come easily to my mind. The movie tries to show it but I didn't "feel it" really. So yeah, I'd have wanted to see less of Lindsay (because there're ways to show that a specific relationship plays a big role in story without showing some ordinary and not-needed scenes...maybe that's just me) and more, even more Snowden and his thoughts and struggles.
Soundtracks were just too predictable genre-wise. Colors, cameras, angles - nothing really popped up as interesting or positively surprising.
I should also add I haven't seen anything else (YET!) from Oliver Stone so I can't compare this piece with his other good and bad ones (have heard there are both).
Once again: the movie was good - interesting story. For me: I wasn't able to engage with any of the characters or really "get into" the film.
MUST you see this? No, not really.
P.S. Suggestion: If you do go to this one, take somebody with you - so you'll probably have a different topic to talk about after (hope surveillance is not your to go topic of the day, every day :D).
Rating: ★★★
It's a story about Ed Snowden (excluding his childhood years) and how he came to a decision to do what he did - leaked to the public NSA's illegal surveillance techniques.
All in all the movie is okay and watchable. Story is made easy to understand for a regular person (which is great because you are not left with that "dumb" feeling after a screening and get a perspective of what happened and how you feel about it). And, as you watch, you also get to think about where you stand about being watched by the government (or a creepy neighbor?).
Joseph Gordon Levitt as Snowden is amazing and believable. I dug his accent, his look and attitude. Very neatly done, although as I don't know Mr. Snowden in real life I can't say that he portrayed him "right".
What I wanted was more seriousness, more intenseness (if that's even a word) and less relationship that was shown between him and Shailene Woodley's character - that made this movie lighter rather going more dark and thrilling because what he did couldn't have come easily to my mind. The movie tries to show it but I didn't "feel it" really. So yeah, I'd have wanted to see less of Lindsay (because there're ways to show that a specific relationship plays a big role in story without showing some ordinary and not-needed scenes...maybe that's just me) and more, even more Snowden and his thoughts and struggles.
Soundtracks were just too predictable genre-wise. Colors, cameras, angles - nothing really popped up as interesting or positively surprising.
I should also add I haven't seen anything else (YET!) from Oliver Stone so I can't compare this piece with his other good and bad ones (have heard there are both).
Once again: the movie was good - interesting story. For me: I wasn't able to engage with any of the characters or really "get into" the film.
MUST you see this? No, not really.
P.S. Suggestion: If you do go to this one, take somebody with you - so you'll probably have a different topic to talk about after (hope surveillance is not your to go topic of the day, every day :D).
Rating: ★★★
07 septembris, 2016
Swiss Army Man

Some jokes for me were overplayed, I didn't also enjoy the fact I was left confused at the end. At one point it seemed like everything is going to be cleared up. It wasn't. Not really.
Did really enjoy performances from Dano and Radcliffe, yes I did.
Overall I think it was just too sweet/charming/heartwarming for me throughout. And maybe too bizarre as well.
Movie plot, trailer, directors, budget and other information you can find at IMDb. Not gonna get into those as this wasn't my favorite movie. It was enjoyable but somehow I can't find a place in my heart to give it more stars. Maybe half a star more would go for those lovely sound effects and soundtracks. So, 3 to 3.5 stars.
Rating: ★★★
30 augusts, 2016
Café Society

In short: It tells a story about a young guy who comes to Hollywood and wants to pursue something related to film industry by the help of successful relatives. Falls in love and everything is complicated.
Café Society felt and was soft. Too soft. Woody-like wittiness appeared from time to time which was nice but otherwise - as there were problems/difficulties in story they didn't feel as such and were turned as somewhat forced funny scenes.
Color scheme (everything was a bit yellow-ish) didn't bother me but also didn't impress nor made a more believable 30's vibe.
Nothing really stuck to me. The movie started and then it ended. Nice actors but I somehow couldn't even "judge" their work because, as I said - nothing stuck (Okay, Steve Carell was cool. As he is. Pretty much always). Didn't feel for any of the characters, for story, anything. It was just nice. Nothing more to say - I'm not angry at this piece or happy about it.
Can I suggest to go and see it? Well, not really. Sorry. But keep in mind - Woody apparently is not for me.
Rating: ★★½
26 augusts, 2016
3 "thriller/horror" movies in 1
As the last three movies I've seen have been put in genres: thriller/horror and none of them didn't really deliver that "horror" part, I decided to put them all in one bag and make a tiny entry. And here we go:
Don't Breathe:
A movie which will soon come out in theaters and will be quite thrilling, no doubt about it. In short: three youngsters decide to rob a blind guys house to get some money to help them get out of the town they live in. Things don't go smoothly, shocker! Anyways, what I liked about this - operators work (really enjoyed how they "zoomed in and out"), the fact that it was thrilling and kept me interested, some unexpected and disturbing bits and pieces (not gonna give those away) and that's about it I think. What I didn't like - some other maybe not fully thought out scenes (especially at the end of the movie) and things (like, it shouldn't be allowed to have basement where there are no decent stairs leading from the doorway. That's just wrong.).
As I said - interesting, intriguing enough and I can recommend to go and see it.
The Shallows:
A good (not great) shark-survival movie with an amazing Blake Livelys' performance. Plot: a girl finds a kind of a secret beach where she goes surfing and BAM! There's a shark! And so things happen and she can't really reach the shore and tries to survive and not get eaten by this shark.
What I liked - Blakes acting - she managed to reach me from the screen. And what I mean by that - I almost felt the pain she was feeling (I'm saying almost because I can't really feel it you know), I was thirsty for her, I was feeling just as exhausted. That almost never happens, so this was great. Also enjoyed the ocean view and sounds (not soundtracks). What I didn't like: the ending and other unrealistic things, for example - how a guy who lives near a beach doesn't know CPR and doesn't know if a person starts coughing up water you should turn him to the side? Bizarre.
However, this also was a thrilling piece and I sure did live through that "event" with Mrs. Lively.
The Neon Demon:
From all these The Neon Demon was the most unusual. As it is hard for me to give you the plot, I will read it in IMDb and then type something similar here. I saw it yesterday and still can't really come to terms with it. So a young wannabe model comes to LA and is devoured by a group of beauty-obsessed women who will take any means necessary to get what she has. Actually after seeing the movie and now reading what IMDb said, I'll say - spot on, IMDb, spot on!
It was a strange (but not necessarily bad) experience. Short in dialogues (just a fact, be prepared) and relatively full of stop motion frames. What I liked - soundtracks, colors, costumes and make-up, design, the mood of the movie and fact that it was strange and I couldn't really figure out what was happening. Also many looks of Elle Fanning. What I didn't like: maybe "not like" is too strong but somehow I was expecting for this film to run through more smoothly, more like a contemporary dance. One scene was too disturbing for my eyes to see and brains to comprehend. It wasn't great (for a thriller/horror movie) but I definitely don't regret seeing it.
And so, when all is said and done -->
Despite being different, all three movies get the same:
Rating: ★★★½
Don't Breathe:

As I said - interesting, intriguing enough and I can recommend to go and see it.
The Shallows:

What I liked - Blakes acting - she managed to reach me from the screen. And what I mean by that - I almost felt the pain she was feeling (I'm saying almost because I can't really feel it you know), I was thirsty for her, I was feeling just as exhausted. That almost never happens, so this was great. Also enjoyed the ocean view and sounds (not soundtracks). What I didn't like: the ending and other unrealistic things, for example - how a guy who lives near a beach doesn't know CPR and doesn't know if a person starts coughing up water you should turn him to the side? Bizarre.
However, this also was a thrilling piece and I sure did live through that "event" with Mrs. Lively.
The Neon Demon:

It was a strange (but not necessarily bad) experience. Short in dialogues (just a fact, be prepared) and relatively full of stop motion frames. What I liked - soundtracks, colors, costumes and make-up, design, the mood of the movie and fact that it was strange and I couldn't really figure out what was happening. Also many looks of Elle Fanning. What I didn't like: maybe "not like" is too strong but somehow I was expecting for this film to run through more smoothly, more like a contemporary dance. One scene was too disturbing for my eyes to see and brains to comprehend. It wasn't great (for a thriller/horror movie) but I definitely don't regret seeing it.
And so, when all is said and done -->
Despite being different, all three movies get the same:
Rating: ★★★½
03 augusts, 2016
Suicide Squad

There were so many things that kind of disappointed and felt wrong but I somehow managed to let them go fast and easily.
Plot: The government or something recruits imprisoned villains with special abilities to fight "the evil" (the villains of the movie were kind of stupidly made). If they don't participate or go rogue they die because of the nano-bomb attached to their bodies...or something.
I actually can't think of anything good to say about this movie right now..The introduction to characters took a while (I enjoyed that part, but it took a while), the "evil" part was bizarre. Enchantress and her part was not well made or executed. It was funny for me but I doubt that was the aim. There were lots of characters (didn't have a good development in the movie..just from that beginning when the characters were kind of explained), lots of gunshots and fighting and some jokes but the substance was fragile.
And still - I really did like the movie. Actors were great and so were their make-up and/or costumes. Soundtrack was descent. I wasn't bored, I was, however, a bit tipsy during the film.
All I can gather - they had too many characters and not enough time to make this proper.
I knew how they (actors) prepared for their roles (good stuff to hear or read), how they got fake (or real) tattoos and other behind-the-scenes stuff and I had a good company with me at the cinema. I liked the movie, really.
Was it the best superhero movie? No ("Civil War" was much better). Will I watch it again? Yes. Should you go and see it? If you plan on watching it without thinking too much - YES.
P.S. Viola Davis' role suited her very much (you can tell that especially if you have seen How To Get Away With Murder).
Rating: ★★★★
29 jūlijs, 2016
Ghostbusters (2016 release)

It follows a ghost invasion in NY and there are these scientist ladies who try to "bust them".
The plot was easy to understand (as it should have been), script was good, characters were okay (didn't like the Chris Hemsworths's role - but I believe many people found him funny).
I was at the cinema, I had like two louder laughs and I watched the movie with a smile on my face mostly. I think it was because of Kate McKinnon and Kristen Wiig - as I have been a fan of both for many (not that many, but 3, 4 years count as many, right?) years because of Saturday Night Live.
Either I was just in that mood when I like basically anything or I did have an enjoyable time because of this film. Can't promise anything.
Will I forget this comedy?
Yes. I believe I will. Quite fast but it doesn't change the fact that I smiled and didn't find it annoying or not funny at all (as those are mostly the cases for me and USA comedy genre).
Rating: ★★★½
11 jūlijs, 2016
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi

It's based on true events and lets us in on an attack on a U.S. compound in Libya in 2012 and shows how a few soldiers deal with the situation and try to do their best.
Actually this is how I imagine (and thank God I have to imagine!) some kind of war battle could look like - nothing's certain, nothing's over quickly and there are so many guns, shooting, sketchy people and chaos all around. Emotions rise high more from the inside but as a viewer you can just sense how everything is so tense and hyper sensitive. I don't care for historical accuracy. It felt real.
It was nearly 3 hours long but I felt like it was necessary so that they could show different aspects when dealing with attacks. Those hours actually flew by.
It doesn't come naturally for me to feel involved when it's pretty much a "guy movie" (there was one female character) because I can't really relate but this time I was so in - I cared and rooted for almost every character.
And if I care and can get emotionally somewhere and nothing really bothers me, for me, it's an excellent movie.
Thank you.
Rating: ★★★★½
06 jūlijs, 2016
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping

This "comedy" is about a former boy band member who wants to remain popular and will do different (stupid) things to save his fame.
Great comedian ensemble but the movie itself just wasn't for me.
Rating: ★★
05 jūlijs, 2016
The Legend Of Tarzan

- Christoph Waltz - always a "good" villain.
- Alexander Skarsgårds' eight-pack (not a six-pack! EIGHT!!) He worked on his body for nine months! Ate just chicken breast and broccoli and worked out! Gotta give him a credit!
- Nature!
- Jane had balls. By which I mean she wasn't made weak. She had courage and strength and didn't rely just on "her man". Which for me is always pleasurable to see.
- I missed the sound. The sound of the jungle, the sound of waterfalls, the cracking noises of branches and trees. The sound was missing
- I needed more of Alexander Skarsgårds' eight-pack
- I wanted more nature and wild-life, more adventures
It's an okay movie to see in cinemas and less from okay when watching at home I think.
Rating: ★★★
12 jūnijs, 2016
Now You See Me 2
I remember I really liked the first part, it gave me everything I was expecting back then.
This time around - either it did the same thing and my taste has changed since the original or it wasn't that good.
Let's start with the good? Okay. What I did like:
- Actor ensemble.
- Tricks/illusions (unfortunately I wanted to see more of these. So much more. Love seeing unbelievably quick hands, smooth motions and other unreal stuff.).
- Everything felt light and uncomplicated (even the "tense" parts). After a good days work I enjoyed that ease.
- Movie wasn't stretched (2 hours is appropriate time and it went by quickly).
- All in all I liked the movie as shallow and predictable as it was.
- AND I also enjoyed I could easily let myself go to the bathroom and know that I won't be missing much.
Now for the bad. What I did NOT like:
- Characters. Especially the new female lead. So because most of the characters were already built in first movie (although I can't say I can remember them), "Lula" was new and basically she was the only female character and for that reason I just so disapproved of how she was - she came off as shallow, weak and a bit dumb. Okay, it's not a serious movie but really? Just give her some substance! As for other characters - didn't care for any of them at all (cared only for that chic because she was not needed at all if she was made like that. And not liking something also means caring right?).
- The plot and the ending. Nothing original, predictable and weak.
- The lack of illusions or tricks. Wanted more and more interesting (or more believable) stuff.
- The Script. Some scenes were too stretched, some dialogues unnecessary and monologues/phrases - stupid (maybe somebody will call them "funny", I hope not)
I think that's enough. I liked the movie. But just "liked".
How did I see it?
Ended my shift at work, went to the cinema (was in the new auditorium), grabbed a beer (okay, two of those), sat down in the best seat (thank you, Reinis! :D) and just watched it with ease and with no real expectations.
Rating: ★★★
02 jūnijs, 2016

Lovely tones and colors though. And Jeremy Irons' voice.
Didn't see much of anything I could've wanted (didn't feel like there was much of training or preparing shown in any way). It just seems like showing problems that majority of people are (or might be) having was more important for "Race" makers.
Rating: ★★
18 maijs, 2016
X-Men: Apocalypse

So in this part there is this super duper powerful mutant who pretty much thinks he's god and he wants to destroy everything so the mutants that survive can rule the world or something. And then there are the sane mutants who of course try to save everybody but the "bad guys". Plot is not that hard to understand, like in every superhero movie or a fairytale. That's not a bad thing for these kinds of films.
What I can give "hands down" to after watching?
1. Everyone who was involved in graphic department (to my mind that stuff they come up with and how "beautiful but scary-real" everythin can look - it's magic.)
2. James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Sophie Turner, Evan Peters and Michael Fassbender. They did a good job and I just like them as people (well, from what I've seen in interviews and from pictures they share, you know).
And that's it.
From emotion point of view - there were some tense parts, some scenes were funny. This movie did not make me cramp to my seat from the action or disasters that were happening, it didn't let me feel loose, it just didn't get me in any way quite right. Still - it wasn't bad.
What I disliked the most? And - without giving you any real spoilers, here you go:
1. Music. Most of the time it was just over the top overdramatic. Like, they were trying too much to make many scenes very meaningful and and every character appearnce - very important or dramatic or something. I don't know. It sort of kicked me out of the mood at some points.
2. Psylockes' (played by Olivia Munn) costume. REALLY? Why? And why was she the only one with that type of costume then? It seemed bizzare.
3. Some unnecessary scenes which I won't get into. Ask me privately after you've seen the movie.
And that's it I think.
All in all the newest X-Men movie is entertaining. It won't really surprise you but it will probably make you smile at some points. And for me it's always nice to see how different creatures can be made up in someones mind (it was a long time ago but I like to think about that fact as well) and then portrayed in film.
Rating: ★★★½
08 maijs, 2016
10 Cloverfield Lane

This was an okay thriller with intrigue and with some "what?" moments.
John Goodman did a great job with this role he'd been given. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is also cool to watch and John Gallagher Jr. came and stayed in my life as a good actor (with an appealing voice) since 1st season of The Newsroom.
Good movie with a good build up. I wanted to see more character development, more dialogues or exactly the opposite - even less talking. But maybe that's just me.
For times when you don't want your regular dramas, comedies or action films and want to be a little thrilled.
Rating: ★★★½
28 aprīlis, 2016
Captain America: Civil War
Excellent piece from Marvel Studios!
Movie is about 2.5 hours long and that time flies by with lots of action, sci-fi stuff, easy-going dialogues, tense (or very loose) conversations, some humor (some of the fun part was made from the audience, thank you audience!) and with lots of cool (and pretty) acting.
If you don't dislike superheros, this most probably will be a good treat. Watch it with great sound and on a big screen and you should be entertained.
This was the best I've seen from Marvel (I've seen a lot. Little glimpse on the bottom of the page).
I guess there's nothing much to say. Go and see IMDb because there are just too many fine actors in this and other information if you want to see/know more.
Rating: ★★★★
P.S. My mother hasn't seen any other comic-book related movies (she's not interested) but she loved this one. I think more than me. She was happy it turned out she didn't have to really know what happened in previous films.
Excellent piece from Marvel Studios!
Movie is about 2.5 hours long and that time flies by with lots of action, sci-fi stuff, easy-going dialogues, tense (or very loose) conversations, some humor (some of the fun part was made from the audience, thank you audience!) and with lots of cool (and pretty) acting.
If you don't dislike superheros, this most probably will be a good treat. Watch it with great sound and on a big screen and you should be entertained.
This was the best I've seen from Marvel (I've seen a lot. Little glimpse on the bottom of the page).
I guess there's nothing much to say. Go and see IMDb because there are just too many fine actors in this and other information if you want to see/know more.
Rating: ★★★★
P.S. My mother hasn't seen any other comic-book related movies (she's not interested) but she loved this one. I think more than me. She was happy it turned out she didn't have to really know what happened in previous films.
"the glimpse" of what I've seen and that fit into screen
23 aprīlis, 2016

What this movie is about you ask? I am not REALLY sure. There are these people who live in a many-story building (synonym for high-rise). There are rich and poor who stay there and then things happen and everything runs out of control but they continue to be there and I don't know why (still confused about all of this).. As I said, I'm not really sure.
Who's playing somewhat important parts? Tom Hiddleston (I know him from playing Thor's "evil brother" in Thor movies and The Avengers) was doing a good job (even though I didn't understand his character, I enjoyed watching him be this interesting human being), Elisabeth Moss (haven't seen her in a "normal" movie...so I should've known what I'm getting myself into before taking a seat) also was enjoyable and then there were powerful stuff coming from Luke Evans. Sienna Miller and Jeremy Irons also were there but they didn't shine for me in this piece.
What was this for me? Well, it was a very well done but chaotic (I would say too chaotic) film. Directing, acting, cameras, music: all these pieces together made me feel creeped out, confused but still interested in the story..which I couldn't comprehend. Oh, there was also dark humor (maybe the whole movie was a very, very dark comedy, I can't tell) which was
If you know me, you probably know how I am able to like movies (and things in real life) which I don't even understand and which are somewhat bizarre. If you decide to go and see this movie, I can't promise you'll like it. You might even not pull through or maybe you'll like the mess even more than I did. Should also add that from time to time I kept shouting inside my had: What?? Why? Why?? And now...what??
This. Was. Odd.
Rating: ★★★½
16 aprīlis, 2016

This movie is about a guy who loses his wife and something clicks, so his way of dealing or understanding different things in his life is quite interesting and unique I would say.
From the beginning I was in and interested in what happens next...And then what happens, and what happens after that scene you know.
I don't really want to say much (but about this one I could) because I don't want to slip and give something away, I think you have to go and see it for yourselves and experience it for yourselves. What I will say is that it was a nice but sad piece throughout but what Bryan Sipe (screenplay) and Jean-Marc Vallée (directing, also known for Dallas Buyers Club, Wild and The Young Victoria, if these ring a bell) did was when it got dark, they brilliantly found a way how to lighten the mood by cleverly sliding in some good punch-lines or just making my number one actor (Jake Gyllenhaal) do something that will make you smile.
And if I mentioned Jake I can continue with glorifying him. Oh, Jake, once again you amazed me and took me in your world and I didn't want to get out of there. And your face is pleasant to look at as well. Thank you for being born and deciding to show yourself publicly.
Okay and I can't finish without giving a shout-out to all the main characters and their execution by Mr. Gyllenhaal, Naomi Watts, Chris Cooper and Judah Lewis who all were excellent at showing these different (some where more or less typical, some were interesting and some - likeably strange) people and their different personalities.
This will be a good movie to see when you want something realistic, something with substance and without sci-fi or thrillery-action. This is a film you go and see. Period. A nice movie with a lot of heart.
Rating: ★★★★½
12 aprīlis, 2016
Mr Right

Plot is a bit messy and there are scenes when you are not sure why is something happening. Jokes are not funny, the vibe of the movie is mixed and not in a good way - all in all it is quite light but then it's supposed to be tense but still funny (and really isn't) and action scenes are weird...Well, I guess I found it chaotic. And annoying sometimes.
The good thing: it's only 1hour and 30minutes short and can be used instead of a radio. Who am I kidding, you should go and see this movie for yourselves and then come back and tell me that I can tell you - I told you so. Or maybe not?
It's starring: Anna Kendrick (lovely, quite funny lady with bad movie choices lately and from time to time), Tim Roth (main lead from Lie To Me, guy in Reservoir Dogs, 4 Rooms, Pulp Fiction and other good movies..I don't get it why he was here, really) and Sam Rockwell (have seen him in on-average rated movies mostly).
If anyone's interested why I even wanted to watch this in first place? Well I just had a teeny tiny (very tiny) hope that MAYBE it will make me laugh and make my day better...Because it's a comedy. Nope.
Rating: ★½
27 marts, 2016
Get A Job

I didn't find it funny, didn't find it smart (wasn't expecting to), didn't find it....anything. Felt like I've seen it already. Knew how it was going to end at the beginning of the movie.
Everything felt rushed, felt like they were trying to get to the end as fast as possible. No real character developments so they all seemed quite shallow and uninteresting people to watch.
There was nothing, nothing good in this piece except for some of my favorite actors, not their characters (Alison Brie, Anna Kendrick, Miles Teller, Bryan Cranston).
What the movie is about? It's about youngsters who are fresh out of college and trying to find their place in work-world.
I'm feeling a bit sad right now. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece but still wanted something better than I got to experience.
Rating: ★½
24 marts, 2016
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

And that's about it.
This movie lacked so many things (character development for almost every character, emotional connections, explanations for other characters for being there at that time), I also didn't appreciate the choice for Wonder Woman and her clothing as Wonder Woman. No offense to Miss Universe 2004 participant Gal Gadot, she's cool, but if I think about little girls who will most probably look up to this person and this character, I can imagine lots of bulimias and anorexias in the future - I believe there are other women who are more fit and could teach young girls about working out, not just being skinny and stuff. Or at least put some short shorts or skirt on, girl! Anyways, where was I...
Lois Lanes' (played by Amy Adams) actions were also in question at some points and direction or screenplay wise - dumb. Pumps in very tense scenes, really? Really? Can she really pull a 100+ kgs' of a man? Really? Really? Sorry.
Lex Luthor...I really do like Jesse Eisenberg and I don't think it's his fault that the audience (me) couldn't really get why Lex was doing what he was doing so again: good actor, not a good screenplay.
Ben Affleck as Batman - no thank you from my side (Bale was the best for me...then Keaton with his weirdness).
Henry Cavill as Superman - VERY appropriate. This role fits him so well.
What I did like where some operator work, some fight scenes, soundtracks from Junkie XL (not so much from Hans Zimmers' side but those weren't bad too. I'm more of a drum-girl) and one unexpected scene I won't tell you about.
The ending was just so blah and played out that it let me down even more overall.
The movie was like 2hours and 20 minutes long...For such a time I'm sure they should've been able to make it more structural - it was too long when it shouldn't have been and too short or left unexplained when it should've been.
However, I'm still looking forward of seeing Suicide Squad, newest X-Men and Captain America movies, Wonder Woman and even more later - Aquaman and Justice League (and others).
So, it wasn't like I was looking at my clock and waiting for this movie to end but overall I was disappointed without watching all the trailers (had seen the first one) and other teasers.
Rating: ★★½
03 marts, 2016
Triple 9

Good casting (12 Years A Slave Chiwetel Ejiofor, Falcon Anthony Mackie, Kate Winslet, drug guy Aaron Paul, Woody Harrelson and soon to be Wonderwoman Gal Gadot and others like Ben Afflecks brother).
What this story is about? It's about corrupt cops doing some nasty jobs for other evil "guys" in order to get something for themselves. Like I said - nothing new, really.
However, time flew by and I didn't notice that it was like 2 hours long (good thing).
I can't guarantee a spectacular time with this movie. But I did like it. Just didn't find it awesome. As "I have heard this story before" I don't have much to say.
P.S. SPOILER: Kate Winslet does a funny Russian accent. Like Scarlett Johansson once (or more) did in Captain America (or Avengers, sorry, don't remember specifically).
RATING: ★★★½
27 februāris, 2016
The Hunting Ground

What I learned:
1) According to U.S. universities, if you're sexually assaulted, don't say anything. Nobody likes bad reputation. If you say anything, you most probably won't be heard. So, college statistics over rape/rape-related crimes.
2) Sports over rape. Let's just wait until some sort of season is over to MAYBE act on what happened...like a year ago..or maybe the victim will forget about it or just give up..
3) If you're a decent person and working at university and will hear and stand for victims, you most probably won't be working at that university soon enough. Nobody will go to a college where there is high assault statistics, right? Reputation, reputation (parallels with point No.1).
4) Money over everything. No explanation needed.
It's not bad enough that rape exists it is just terrifying to see what happens (or more accurately - what doesn't happen) afterwards. And for deans to discourage you and to try to turn it that it most probably was your own fault that you were sexually assaulted, just bad and wrong.
Actually this is why I don't watch documentaries everyday - they almost always make me very sad and upset. I don't know what is better - to know what's happening and live life in half=depression most of the time or not to know almost anything and to live happily like a fool.
And sorry, but Florida you still look like a really bad state to me.
Rating: ★★★★
25 februāris, 2016
The Dressmaker

IMDb says it fits into "drama" category. I will agree and add that it was also a comic and detective-ish piece.
It's a story told in a very interesting way. So a woman (played by Kate Winslet. I'll get back to amazing her later.) returns to her hometown, practically village, to make some excellent dresses with her sewing machine and do other things I won't tell you about. Watch the movie.
I'm a big believer of karma and this movie also was showing some "what goes around comes around" themes, so that must be another plus for me liking this film quite a bit.
Drama parts were neat, detective-ish parts good, the humor was excellent (I appreciate British and Australian comedy which you will be able to see in The Dressmaker. Americans rarely impress my laugh-longing soul) and what also pleasantly surprised me was these unexpected twists and turns here and there. I really did have a nice and lovely time.
Oh, KATE WINSLET! In my eyes, she just gets better and better with time (and practice maybe?). I'm very pleased somebody thought she would be good in this part. To me she was marvelous.
Camera and direction wise I can't say much because I was consumed in what was happening..or I was just giggling.
I should also add that this movie most probably isn't for everybody. I can suggest it to my friends who know my taste and have a similar one and also to people who are looking for something easy-going after a hard days work but who still want something with substance and a story to follow.
I know I shouldn't praise movies like I just did so you don't make up high expectations but I have warned you before - I write my afterthoughts and I do not want to hold back if something has made me quite happy.
Rating: ★★★★½
P.S. Liam Hemsworth was there, if somebody's interested in seeing him wherever he is in.
23 februāris, 2016
How To Be Single

Alison Brie was there and I do like to watch her stuff. Other ladies (Rebel Wilson, Leslie Mann, Dakota Johnson) don't impress me but they were fine, as this was an American comedy and didn't require strong performances. Or maybe it did. What do I know, I'm not an actress. .. .. Or am I?
It won't be the best movie you've seen, nor the best comedy but if you're looking for something light and easy after a hard days work and you don't want to follow the story that much - this should be a very good match for you. Nothing meaningful here to my mind.
Rating: ★★★
Hail, Ceasar!
I couldn't really enjoy this movie. I didn't find it funny (I remember laughing when watching Fargo and laughing harder when watching Burn After Reading). It wasn't bad, it just wasn't very good for me. What I did like was how it was shot and performances from Tilda Swinton, Channing Tatum and Ralph Fiennes.
I read in another review that "It's not about the story, it's about how the Coens are celebrating the films we have perhaps idealized a bit too much (..)". As at this time I'm almost all about the story, it just proves this wasn't a film meant for ME. At least not now.
So yeah, if the story isn't everything to you, you might have a better time with this than I did.
P.S. I haven't seen many classic movies so I also missed bunch of references on them.
Rating: ★★★
21 februāris, 2016
Fathers And Daughters

The subject was interesting, actors were good (even though I dislike Russell Crowe he didn't annoy me this time) and I liked that they used time-jumping through the whole movie.
For me it lacked emotional depth. I got to see many different emotions but I couldn't feel them. What I also didn't like were those "tiny life lessons" they put in like they usually do in family/kid-friendly movies and TV Series (and this movie wasn't that child-friendly).
Almost forgot another thing I didn't appreciate: Amanda Seyfrieds' character felt very "typical" if I may call it that. I pretty much could tell what she is going to do next and to my mind that is not a good thing - the predictability.
I would say it is an average movie which doesn't feel that real, it is quite predictable in various aspects. Didn't have a bad time, just not good enough.
Rating: ★★★
12 februāris, 2016

It's an entertaining movie about a guy with an interesting personality who is kind of forced to become a
The main role is played by Ryan Reynolds and I think this part suited him oh so very much.
What else is there? Bunch of jokes (that I mostly did not enjoy (d*ck stuff you know), but that's just me. It's not going to be you. Probably) and bunch of different references from Wolverine (there we first met Deadpool if you didn't know) and other places.
Camera work kept me entertained, I also noticed Junkie XL work in soundtracks (He composed also for Mad Max: Fury Road) - quite likable for my ears.
Despite lots of shooting and knifing, some guts and blood, this piece had a light, easy aura to it. So to my mind you may love or may not love the movie but there's just a small, small, small chance you won't have a good time with this.
Rating: ★★★½
05 februāris, 2016
What Happened, Miss Simone?

By watching this I learned not necessarily useful but most certainly interesting things about her career and private life. I wouldn't have imagined she had this complex life (I won't say much in case you have an interest and want to see it for yourselves) but then again I guess people don't make documentaries about people who are having these "fairytale" lives and don't really struggle or go through major life disasters or what not. You know, people like me.
Anyways, I was kept entertained and interested through the whole movie and now I also have got a new feeling towards her music, I see it a bit differently.
If you haven't read really anything about her, don't mind documentaries and enjoy jazz music from 60's and 70's this should be a treat. Okay, it should also be enough for people who are into documentaries, it's a good one it think (or maybe I lack experience in documentaries, pardon if so).
P.S. I'm glad to see it's nominated for an Oscar.
Rating: ★★★★
02 februāris, 2016
The Big Short
It wasn't my favorite direction (not that it was bad, just not my favorite), but the performances by Steve Carell, Christian Bale and Jeremy Strong - oh boy, how I much I liked them. Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt and others were fine too (their characters just weren't that strongly based) but those three and their work was the best from my point of view.
Even though it wasn't an action movie, I caught myself being quite tense in some moments. It most probably was because I knew it was based on something real and couldn't (or didn't want to) believe that that had really happened. It was hard to see that people could be that greedy and/or "evil" and that stupid (or arrogant in some cases) and not question different things...or choose not to see.
Anyways, it's a good movie to go and see for anyone who want's to have a good time at movies or who wants to understand a little bit better of what happened. Okay, anyone but children. I don't believe children will have a great time with this.
P.S. I believe it's a great time to go to the cinema - many good films out there right now in Latvia ;)
Rating: ★★★★
31 janvāris, 2016
The Revenant
Also a bit late but still counts: The Revenant.
I won't take much space when talking about this piece. It's beautifully shot, the landscapes are wonderful, scenes make you feel cold and shrug a bit. It has a "great" villain in it and Leo's (yes, first name basis) face expressions are believable and excellent (little spoiler: he does not talk much).
And somehow I couldn't wait for this movie to end. I think it was too long. Maybe it's necessary for us to see this long, long journey Leo's character takes (and suffers A LOT) but I don't know, I started to get bored and that is not what I like to feel when watching a movie.
Who most probably will enjoy this movie the best? People who like to see long-term suffering and long, long journey.
I will say this again: It was beautiful (just don't give an Oscar to DiCaprio for this one, it would almost be a shame. To my mind, he's done a better job in other films).
Rating: ★★★
I won't take much space when talking about this piece. It's beautifully shot, the landscapes are wonderful, scenes make you feel cold and shrug a bit. It has a "great" villain in it and Leo's (yes, first name basis) face expressions are believable and excellent (little spoiler: he does not talk much).

Who most probably will enjoy this movie the best? People who like to see long-term suffering and long, long journey.
I will say this again: It was beautiful (just don't give an Oscar to DiCaprio for this one, it would almost be a shame. To my mind, he's done a better job in other films).
Rating: ★★★
29 janvāris, 2016
I don't know how to begin. I'm still processing but I have to get this out now. Otherwise I won't be able to sleep well.
So it's a movie that is set in a time when world was still quite small, limited and when women were still suppressed and controlled by men.
We get to meet two very different women (character and age-wise) and see how they meet, develop together and apart, grow, change and live.
What I liked most was how taken I was by those word-less motions, those head nods or slight lifts, looks of interest, anger, fright, sadness, wondering or confusion and other emotions. I was consumed and intrigued, I wanted to get into Rooney Mara's characters head to see what she was thinking, it was great. I enjoyed how her character was build, it was insecure, confused, unsure but very willing and brave I would say. The character is a young woman and she has whole life ahead of her so she doesn't really say "no" to anything. And I don't think you should especially if you feel like it's right or could somehow be good for you. This was a character whose mindset I could get. But those different looks and how much they can say especially if masterfully shot....Thank you.
So if I was into Rooney's characters facial expressions I can tell you that I was very keen on Cate Blanchett's Carol's nature and the way (and tone of her voice) she spoke. Carol was a little fearless and willing to stand up for herself and what she wanted. She was mature and so strong and that is what I really like to see - powerful characters with flaws (because nobody's perfect. Don't even want to see something perfect). She spoke in a way like she's lived which obviously comes with age. What I can say in short - thank you for making these characters like they were - I have no objections.
What else? Well I did also enjoy it wasn't very political (50's and same sex relationship, you know..), it was more like a pure love story and it could have easily been with two guys in lead or even with a woman and a man.
Todd Haynes has done a magnificent job, I was interested and really felt for the characters and that is mainly what I want to receive from movies.
Also the set, costumes and music was appealing to me.
Thank you, I had a wonderful time.
So if you're up for a romantic drama with many emotions I truly suggest you can go and see this piece.
P.S. Did have small laughs here and there.
Rating: ★★★★½

We get to meet two very different women (character and age-wise) and see how they meet, develop together and apart, grow, change and live.
What I liked most was how taken I was by those word-less motions, those head nods or slight lifts, looks of interest, anger, fright, sadness, wondering or confusion and other emotions. I was consumed and intrigued, I wanted to get into Rooney Mara's characters head to see what she was thinking, it was great. I enjoyed how her character was build, it was insecure, confused, unsure but very willing and brave I would say. The character is a young woman and she has whole life ahead of her so she doesn't really say "no" to anything. And I don't think you should especially if you feel like it's right or could somehow be good for you. This was a character whose mindset I could get. But those different looks and how much they can say especially if masterfully shot....Thank you.
So if I was into Rooney's characters facial expressions I can tell you that I was very keen on Cate Blanchett's Carol's nature and the way (and tone of her voice) she spoke. Carol was a little fearless and willing to stand up for herself and what she wanted. She was mature and so strong and that is what I really like to see - powerful characters with flaws (because nobody's perfect. Don't even want to see something perfect). She spoke in a way like she's lived which obviously comes with age. What I can say in short - thank you for making these characters like they were - I have no objections.
What else? Well I did also enjoy it wasn't very political (50's and same sex relationship, you know..), it was more like a pure love story and it could have easily been with two guys in lead or even with a woman and a man.
Todd Haynes has done a magnificent job, I was interested and really felt for the characters and that is mainly what I want to receive from movies.
Also the set, costumes and music was appealing to me.
Thank you, I had a wonderful time.
So if you're up for a romantic drama with many emotions I truly suggest you can go and see this piece.
P.S. Did have small laughs here and there.
Rating: ★★★★½
28 janvāris, 2016
Dirty Grandpa

The reason why I went to this one is the cheap tickets. I figured I should see something "cheap" for 1.50 euros. I wasn't ready to watch something good for that kind of money, felt wrong.
So, Dirty Grandpa is supposed to be a comedy. It got three smiles (not laughs) out of me and they all were because of Aubrey Plaza (I'm a fan of this young woman).
Movie itself is very shallow, vulgar and quite a cliche character-wise. I wasn't feeling the jokes about drugs, guns and/or cops in Florida, they felt offensive and wrong.
I also kept wondering why Robert De Niro wanted to take part in something like this. I was left wondering. Still am.
Were there good parts? Well, I enjoyed some summery beach views (I miss summer already), Aubreys' character was quite cool most times and that's about it.
To who I would suggest go and see the movie? Well, it could work for people who enjoy...I don't know really. Maybe the ones who like American comedies. Just comedies and easy time. I don't know, I'm not sure, sorry.
P.S. If you liked it, please tell me why. I would like to know.
Rating: ★½
23 janvāris, 2016
The Look Of Silence

Anyways, it's a story (a horrible story) about a family who had managed to survive (not all of them) the genocide in Indonesia. One member of this family goes around those who were partly or fully responsible for killings and confronts them.
It was hard for me to see how some people don't feel any guilt or regret at all what they did. Some of them seemed to be dashing over what and how they've done "things". Always pains me to see how easily people can be persuaded to believe something that's completely bullocks.
The Look Of Silence is a good documentary but it lacked something to make me feel for the family all of it's run-time.
Rating: ★★★½
Ziņas (Atom)